Having a healthy baby is a couple’s dream. With our expertise and compassionate service, Dream Flower helps their dream bloom. One of the most sought-after methods of parenthood, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves a great investment of time and trust. But not just that is enough. A successful round of treatment banks on several factors such as previous successful pregnancy, miscarriage, fertility issues, age of the couples, etc.
At Dream Flower, the doctors and staff assess all those factors and suggest steps to improve your chances to get pregnant. Here are a few factors that might give an edge to your IVF treatment:
Previous successful pregnancy: A previous successful pregnancy offers you a better chance of parenthood. However, miscarriages in the past might make the process complicated, but do not lose hope.
The younger the better: Women below 35 years of age have better chances of becoming pregnant through IVF. However, though fertility is believed to be decreasing as the age progresses, there have been several cases of successful IVF treatment as it’s your physique and medical history that truly have a say in the success.
Infertility duration: Fertility issues like fibroid tumors, uterine abnormalities, dual infertility and ovarian dysfunction, instead of being addressed immediately and made to wait, affects the treatment. The shorter the wait to start infertility treatment, the higher is the success rate of IVF.
Egg-Embryo-Sperm Quality: Ovarian reserve, stimulation protocol and sperm quality affect the quality of eggs and embryos. About 90% of chromosomal embryo issues occur due to egg quality. However, advanced technology is equipped to mitigate the issues and help achieve successful parenthood. Low-quality eggs can be replaced by donor eggs for better results.
Embryo Transfer and Uterine Receptivity: Healthy embryos flawlessly transferred and successfully implanted in the uterus play the most important role in IVF success. Equally important is a healthy uterus which would be suitable for the process only if it has proper thickness of uterine lining, immunological factors and uterine cavity’s contour. Any physical, biological or technical failure can affect the whole IVF process.
Use of donor eggs: If the parent age is over 40, using donor eggs can improve the chances of IVF success. Factors such as egg quality and age of donor are important. Using donor eggs from a younger woman may increase the chances of pregnancy in women over 40.
Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COH) Protocol: These protocols refer to the types of fertility medication administered and its delivery schedule. Though it maintains personalisation, the protocols call for accuracy in timing and dosage. The doctor determines which protocol should be followed depending on the treatment and the patient.
Lifestyle habits: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also of utmost importance. The parent should abstain from smoking and drinking, which reduce chances of success. Obesity also affects hormones, fertility medications and regular menstrual cycle. By controlling the lifestyle, you are improving your chances of parenthood. A woman should stop smoking at least three months prior to treatment as smokers require higher dosage of fertility drugs to stimulate their ovaries and have lower implantation rates than non-smokers. They also require almost twice as many IVF attempts and experience more failed fertilization cycles. Women who are overweight have an increased risk of infertility and miscarriage. Overweight and underweight women have less IVF success with fertility treatments than women of normal weight.
Fertility clinic: Equally important is the centre a couple chooses for their IVF treatment. Considering the success rate of fertility centres, training and experience of the staff, live birth rate per IVF cycles, rate of patients pregnant with multiples and state-of-the-art facilities, Dream Flower IVF Centre, therefore, can greatly affect your IVF success.